"If you don't plan to take time for your WELLNESS,
you will be forced to take time for your ILLNESS."
Now, read this again aloud and take action ... work your plan!
"The noble man makes noble plans, and by noble deeds he stands." (ISAIAH 32:8)
"Victory Loves Preparation" or "Victory Favors the Prepared")
(Ancient Latin Maxim)
- THE UNIVERSAL ANTIDOTE: The Science and Story of Chlorine Dioxide
This website is designed to be a virtual medical center. A multi-media medical center that has a God-honoring, creation-based, wholistic, systems approach to health care, that nourishes, detoxifies and energizes the body and the soul. Here, you will learn from over seventy medical professionals and many godly pastors and biblical theologians! They will help you to overcome many of the health challenges you or your friends and family may have.
In addition to this, there are over 100 soul-building "psalms, hymns & spiritual songs" that have gentle healing harmonies and acoustic accompaniment that are hand-picked to encourage, strengthen and give hope to the whole man .
This creation-based, wholistic, systems approach, multi-media, virtual medical center has life-saving and health-building information every family should know. It is science-based, clinically-verified, safe, effective and affordable. It is designed to support and promote the body by stimulating its built-in, self-healing mechanisms. Our objective is NOT to "practice medicine" but to promote health ... physical & spiritual health.
After you read this homepage you will understand this website has ONE "Wholistic" theme: HEALTH! And, it has SEVEN parts or "Cell-building Essentials" (CBE's) to keep you healthy. These are systematized under a "Trinity of Truths" ... NUTRIFY - DETOXIFY - ENERGIZE. Once you understand this, you can click on the tabs in the header to watch the videos that speak to your area of interest.
PLEASE NOTE: This website is NOT designed to diminish the vital importance of medical professionals who provide acute medical skills and knowledge as in trauma care, surgery (when needed) and some infectious diseases. Our focus is on providing a creation-based, wholistic, systems approach to chronic medical issues that comprise 80-90% of today's medical problems.
□ Cardiologist (MD) meets Naturopath (ND): Dr. Steven Sinatra and Dr. Drew Sinatra
We do not throw out the baby with the bath water. Yes, there are pharmaceutical agents that have proven themselves to be helpful and life-saving. And, for these we are thankful. However, our focus is on the God-made, natural substances that have proven themselves to have great health promoting powers to nutrify, detoxify and energize the body.
Also, this website (and much more) has become a book! The title is: Health for All of Life: A Medical Manifesto of Health and Healing for the Nations by Rev. Dr. Jason Garwood. You can buy it on Amazon (
Below are just two of the many recommendations for the book:
"Health for All of Life provides insight into the basic principles of health and natural medicine, as well as help to provide a foundation for a theology of health, regrettably a concept that most Christians are unfamiliar with."
- Rhett Bergeron MD, Medical Director, Real Health Medical, Atlanta, GA
"John Wesley knew that wisdom is required to live so as to love God with all one's strength. So he sought and compiled all the available wisdom for healthy living. In 1747 he published Primitive Physic or an Easy and Natural Method of Curing Most Diseases. Specialists deserve respect, but the doctrine of the "Priesthood of all believers" makes everyone responsible for personal and public health. Health For All of Life will equip the reader to fulfill this responsibility in our day."
- Vishal Mangalwadi, Author of The Book That Made Your World & Truth and Transformation
Vitamin "I"
("Information" ... i.e. You don't need more medication, but more education ... a creation-based, wholistic, systems approach to education!)
Please remember ... at the heart of this creation-based, wholistic, systems approach, multi-media, virtual medical center, is a God-glorifying approach to health and healing. Engineers call this a "SYSTEMS APPROACH". For example, when evaluating the structural integrity of a bridge they have in mind the WHOLE bridge ... not just one beam, the road bed or even the foundation (as vital as the foundation is to the strength and longevity of the structure).
To get the most from this website we recommend:
1) You first read this "homepage" to see the big picture (it only takes about 15 minutes).
2) Then, go back and click on the hyperlinks that addresses your needs.
Please read carefully the "CONCLUSION" at the end of this homepage. Why? Some may find the boatload of information on this website overwhelming. They don't know where to begin applying these many cell-building essentials (read the "About Us" section to see a helpful illustration of this boatload of "Vitamin I" found in CBE's #1-7).
In the CONCLUSION we have given you an action plan that will enable you to start today to bring health and healing to your body and soul.
(Remember: "CBE" = "Cell-building Essential". This will help you navigate the "tabs" on the header).
Don't Be a Dead-end to Truth
This website was created so that you can hear directly from medical professionals (via internet hyperlinks) to overcome the health challenges you or your friends and family may have. We think of these health heros as faculty members of our creation-based, wholistic, systems approach, multi-media, virtual medical center.
Therefore, don't be a dead-end to this life-saving and life-changing truth! was designed so that when you know the life-saving and life-changing truths found on this "Homepage" and the "7 CBE's", you can be a guide to others by directing them to the "health heros" that have helped you.
Please remember, you don't need to know all of the details of these medical protocols. Simply be a faithful guide, leading your friends or family to those who can professionally help them. You are "one beggar showing another beggar where to find bread". Therefore, use this website for not only yourself but also to serve others, so that you can be a knowledgeable "Tour Guide" or "Scout" pointing others to the wholistic medical professionals who can help them too.
Building a medically-wholistic Christian worldview is indispensable in order to see clearly in today's dark, medically-fractionated secular world. There are many reasons why we have a evolutionary-based, fractionated, pharmocentric approach to health and healing (vs. a creation-based, wholistic, naturalpathic approach).
In order to discover a few of the reasons why we have a fractionated medical system, begin your "Vitamin I" regimen by listening to the very informative interview of Dr. Joel Wallach by Dr. Peter Glidden. Then, to understand the "political" reasons for the fractionated ways of modern medical practice, listen to Dr. Glidden's explanation of the "Flexner Report" and "A Short History of the Birth of Big Pharma".
□ Dr Peter Glidden: Interviews Dr Joel Wallach
□ "Who Made MD's King" - Flexner Report
□ A Short History of the Birth of Big Pharma
□ Interview everyone has been waiting for - MD meets ND
□ Wholistic Medicine vs the Medical Establishment
□ Approaching Healthcare Holistically - Dr. Lee Merritt with Dr. Glidden
One of the "philosophical/theological" reasons we have fractionated, pharmocentric medical protocols is that today's M.D.'s treat man as an evolved being or machine that lacks the God-given capacity to heal itself. This applies primarily to chronic medical problems (not trauma, surgery when needed, and some infectious diseases, where M.D.'s and D.D.S.' excel). Watch Dr. Bergman's three videos below to better understand.
□ Medical failure: The delusion of diagnosis (Dr. John Bergman)
□ Symptom vs. Cause (Dr. John Bergman)
□ How the body works 2019 by Dr. John Bergman
(Thankfully, the wholistic/systems approach medical information below applies to all infectious medical emergencies. "I am not a prophet nor a son of a prophet", but I do know this particular corona virus "emergency" will pass. And, another viral or bacterial threat will emerge. The life-saving information below will help you PREPARE for that too!)
Our President has declared a "Coronavirus (COVID-19) Emergency"! He is acting upon the counsel of his highly respected pharmocentric team of doctors who are, philosophically, committed to a medically-fractionated approach to the practice of medicine. His medical consultants have described this national emergency as a "war". The problem is ... they are not giving you a CREATION-BASED, WHOLISTIC, SYSTEMS APPROACH to medicine, which will provide you with the "ammunition, artillery and air power" needed to be victorious in this war.
Every military general knows (and good football coaches too) that in order to win any war you must have BOTH a strong defense and strong offense. They invest heavily in time, energy and money to PREPARE their men/team defensively and offensively for victory! This website will give you the latest scientific, clinical and wholistic medical "ammunition, artillery and air power" to be victorious in this viral combat (Look at the picture in the "About Us" section to see what we mean)!
For a more detailed, in-depth explanation of how to be victorious in fighting this "Coronavirus War" click on:
- CBE #3 "Healthy Detoxification" (How to build a strong offense: Using intermittent fasting, Wild Oregano, Colloidal Silver/Silver Hydrosol, Nacent Iodine, Oxygen, Ozone, Chlorine Dioxide, and DMSO ... & ... CBE #2 "Healthy Hydration" for more CD /DMSO info.)
"I have yet to find any virus, bacteria, yeast, fungus, parasite, or poison it (i.e. Clorine Dioxide) will not destroy. I have seen the fever and fatigue/muscle aches of flu disappear in 2-3 hours". - Dr. Jerry Tennant, MD, MD(H), PSc.D, page 396 Healing is Voltage: The Handbook -
□ THE UNIVERSAL ANTIDOTE: The Science and Story of Chlorine Dioxide (with Spanish subtitles)
(For more in-depth information on Chlorine Dioxide go to CBE #3 and scroll down to the section titled CHLORINE DIOXIDE PROTOCOLS & HISTORY and learn why NASA scientists described it as a "Universal Antidote".)
□ Lesson 1- MMS History and Demonstration Making MMS1
□ Training Video 3A - (The Starting Procedure) Treating acute and chronic disease with MMS1
□ The Universal Antidote Getting Started Series-Complete Series
You can order chlorine dioxide kits (PART A: 22.4% Sodium Chlorite Solution & PART B: 4% Hydrochloric Acid) and DMSO easily and inexpensively on line. We have used KV Labs ( ) and Eden Way: Health and Life (the least expensive option)
For easy to carry tablets, for external use, in sprays, water purification, odor/mold removal, and 100's of other uses in the agricultural, food & beverage, healthcare & building industries, check out:
And for you MD's, PA's, Nurses and other medical professionals, be sure and click on their tab "data sheet" for a great downloadable technical paper on Chlorine Dioxide.
- CBE #4 "Healthy Immune and Lymphatic Systems" (How to build a strong defense: Nutrify, Detoxify and Energize your body -- focusing esp. on Lymphatic Exercises, Beta Glucan and Essential Oils ... & ... CBE #1 "Healthy Nutrition" and learn about the "90 for Life" formulated by Dr. Joel Wallach or Moringa, God's "90 for Life").
- Now apply ALL of the recommendations found at the "Conclusion" of this hompage ... AMAT VICTORIA CURAM
("Victory Favors the Prepared" or "Victory Loves Preparation")
Quarantine is when you restrict the movement of sick people.
Tyranny is when you restrict the movement of healthy people!
"A cell is a multifunctional, miniaturized, throbbing dynamo that the microbiologist Guy Brown called a "vast teeming metropolis". Cells extract nutrients from food, conduct electrical energy for a heartbeat, and detoxify poisons like pharmaceutical and food additives. Cells deliver oxygen, fight bacteria, and build bone and connective tissue. All this is occurring at an infinitesimally tiny scale. In fact, every single function of the human body must occur in a vast amount of cells before we can know about it. Likewise diseases must occur at the level of a vast amount of cells before we recognize that we're sick ... Behind all disease is always a group of cells that, through starvation, suffocation and toxification, no longer have the vim and vigor to do their business. All disease is cell disease."
- Pharmacist Ben Fuchs -
"Molecular biology has shown that even the simplest of all living systems on the earth today (i.e. cells), are exceedingly complex objects. Although the tiniest … cells are incredibly small, weighing less than .000000000001 grams, each is in effect a veritable micro-miniaturized factory containing thousands of exquisitely designed pieces of intricate molecular machinery, made up altogether of one hundred thousand million atoms, far more complicated than any machine built by man and absolutely without parallel in the nonliving world."
- Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis -
#1 Nutrition (1st Step: Nutrify)
#2 Detoxification (2nd Step: Detoxify)
#3 Energization (3rd Step: Energize ... "Voltage")
□ What Three Elements Does It Take to Make a New Cell by Dr. Jerry Tennant
(This is a very short overview of these "Three Triune Truths". For a more personal and indepth explanation of these medical truths watch the 3 videos below by Dr. Tennant.)
On this website I am going to adapt and expand on an illustration given by Dr. Jerry Tennant: "Rebuilding a Healthy Home After a Tornado Strike". Dr. Tennant says the effects of deficient nutrition (including poor absorption), toxins or disease-causing pathogens on a human cell can be compared to the effect a tornado has on a home.
You would not rebuild your home by buying just the materials needed to repair a destroyed home. You would use a wholistic, "systems approach", and take at least seven basic steps in order to make your home livable and healthy. We need to take the same approach in order to build healthy cells in our body, practicing real preventive medicine. This will save you thousands of dollars in medical expenses, deliver you from unnecessary pain and suffering, and most importantly, enable you to "fight the good fight" (1 Timothy 6:11-16 & 2 Timothy 4:7).
Dr. Jerry Tennant (M.D., MD(H)., PSc.D.) correctly states: "We get well by making new cells, not by correcting those that are malfunctioning." We do this faster than most people think! On page 29 of his book, Healing is Voltage Dr. Tennant writes:
- We replace the rods and cones in our retina every 48 hours
- The lining of our intestines is replaced every 3 days
- We replace our skin every 6 weeks
- Our liver every 8 weeks
- Our nervous system every 8 months
- Our bones every year
The following three videos will give you a good introduction to the wholistic approach Dr. Tennant uses (for more in-depth information from Dr. Tennant click on CBE #5 "Healthy Nervous System" and scroll down to "Wholistic Dental Care" & "Application of Electrical Micro-currents").
□ Healing Quest - Tennant Biomodulator
□ Dr. Jerry Tennant: Healing the Body's Electrical Circuitry
□ Dr. Jerry Tennant: Recharge Your Battery and Heal
1st CBE (Cell-Building Essential): Healthy Nutrition ... via food and supplements that provide you with the "90 for Life" (60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids and 2 essentials fatty acids).
Dr. Tennant's Illustration: Buy and use only good materials to build a house.
2nd CBE (Cell-Building Essential): Healthy Hydration ... via water that is filtered, oxygenated, cleansed and fortified with Chlorine Dioxide (CD/MMS) and Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO).
Dr. Tennant's Illustration: Access clean water
3rd CBE (Cell-Building Essential): Healthy Detoxification ... via improving cellular metabolism and promoting cleaner liver, kidney and perspiration function.
Dr. Tennant's Illustration: Clean up the damaged home
4th CBE (Cell-Building Essential): Healthy Immune & Lymphatic Systems ... via strengthening the immune system and supporting the lymphatic system (esp. for good gut health).
Dr. Tennant's Illustration: Install a working sewer system
5th CBE (Cell-Building Essential): Healthy Nervous System ... via fortifying the nervous system by promoting a sharp brain with routine exercise, wholistic dental care, good sleep and the application of electrons with electrical micro-currents and grounding (& when necessary natural pain relievers).
Dr. Tennant's Illustration: Connect safe and reliable electrical power lines
6th CBE (Cell-Building Essential): Healthy Blood, Bones, Skin, Eyes, Circulatory & Respiratory Systems ... via making clean blood, strong bones, vibrant skin, sharp eyes, good circulation & deep respiration.
Dr. Tennant's Illustration: Install heating & air-conditioning
7th CBE (Cell-Building Essential): Healthy Spiritual System ... via building upon God's foundation and strengthening your soul ... i.e. Salvation & Sanctification (God's Word, Prayer, Meditation, Fellowship, Speaking God's Truth, Singing God's Truth, Giving God's "Good News", Giving God's Treasures, Cultivation of a "Gratitude Attitude" , etc.)
Missionary Jack's Illustration: Build upon the restored house's firm foundation and fortify the frame.
This "" website is simply an application of the Reformation-based Christian Discipleship training we give our international and American students (and families). It is Creation-based, Kingdom-focused and "Incarnationally" applied.
If you click on CBE #7 you will find information and an illustration about this training. It is pictured and described as "THE CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP CASTLE" (for a "Castle" picture look at the PDF file found in the "Download" section at the end of CBE #7). A couple foundational passages that we study in our "Castle Training" are Mark 8:36 and 1 Corinthians 10:31.
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? ... So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”
We study these Bible verses because it clearly describes a God-honoring, wholistic view of life. God commands us to glorify Him in "whatever you do." This demands our entire being, visible and invisible, body and soul.
Beyond the honor and obligation to obey God that is required in this verse (I Cor.10:31), there are at least three more reasons all people AND nations should know how to promote and maintain wholistic health and healing:
1) No matter how godly or gifted one is, when you are sick, you are out of the fight. However, because of the ministry of prayer, the Christian is never completely out of the fight. But, when you are sick you are out of the fight in vital "incarnational", salt and light ... Kingdom-advancing ways.
- John 1:1&14, Hebrews 1:1-4 and Matthew 5:13-16, 6:10 -
2) Bringing health and healing to the whole man is part of Christ's Great Commission (and is a very practical application of how to obey the positive duties of the 6th commandment).
- Matthew 28:20a and Matthew 9:35-10:1&7-8 -
3) When you give truth that advances health and promotes healing in a person's life you will naturally and supernaturally gain an audience with those who need the gospel. Chronic diseases cause much pain. As C.S. Lewis astutely observed: "We can ignore even pleasure. But pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: it is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world."
- John 4:13-14 & Mark 5:18-20 -
According to The Partnership to Fight Chronic Diseases:
"Chronic diseases, such as diabetes, COPD, cancer, depression, obesity, arthritis, asthma & heart disease, are the leading causes of death and disability in the United States and account for the vast majority of health care spending. More than one in two American adults lives with at least one chronic condition and nearly one in three live with two or more chronic conditions. Chronic diseases are also the primary driver of health care costs — accounting for 90 cents of every dollar we spend on health care in this country."
Thankfully, all of these chronic medical problems can be treated very effectively (and inexpensively) via a wholistic approach. God created our soul and body to work together as a whole. Therefore, we must know and implement the "7 Cell-building Essentials" (CBE's) that are designed to work synergistically to make healthy cells, replacing the ones that are dying or diseased.
All "7 Cell-building Essentials" (CBE's) are needed to achieve your God-glorifying health and healing goals! To help you remember the "7 CBE's" I have organized them under three headings, a "Trinity of Truths"... Nutrify - Detoxify - Energize. And to help you DO what you now know, I am giving you three specific applications of each "Triune Truth" to keep you in the battle of life.
#1 NUTRIFY (CBE #1-2)
1) The "90 for Life" (AM)
2) Water (All Day) & CD/DMSO (PRN)
3) Fulvic Acid & Nitric Oxide (AM)
#2 DETOXIFY (CBE's #3-4)
1) Nacent Iodine (AM)
2) Rebounding (PRN)
3) Intermittent fasting (PRN)
#3 ENERGIZE (CBE's #5-7)
1) Smart Brain W.O.D.B.E.'s (AM & PRN)
2) Get "Grounded" (PRN)
3) P.A.C.E. and the Word & Prayer Exercises (AM or PM)
Remember, you are NOT a cosmic accident! God made you, body and spirit (i.e. cells & soul) with intelligence.
- it knows how to heal itself
- it wants to heal itself
- it can heal itself ... when it is supplied with God's natural, and supernatural, fuel and fire.
Another way you can remember the many truths given above is to focus on one primary objective (some describe this as the principle of "the one and the many"). Your #1 goal in keeping healthy and fighting off all invaders (foreign and domestic) is to have a strong immune system. And, for everyone who loves the satisfaction of "checking off the box" of daily goals achieved, the following is for you (if you are on the computer reading this, you can simply "copy and paste" this into your favorite word processor and print it out).
Now go ... "Carpe Diem"!!! (One can't be taken seriously in today's medical community without throwing around some Latin words or phrases:) Literally, "seize the day", i.e. enjoy life while you can.
REMEMBER: "Procrastination is the thief of health!"
□ 1) Smart Brain W.O.D.B.E.'s
□ 2) Nacent Iodine (1-2 drops sublingually)
□ 3) The "90 for Life" with extra Selenium and stop eating the 10 bad foods
□ 4) Fulvic Acid & Nitric Oxide
□ 5) Water, Himalayan Sea Salt & Eggs (as many as you can eat)
□ 6) Intermittent Fasting
□ 7) Lymphatic Exercises (esp. rebounding)
□ 8) P.A.C.E. Exercises
□ 9) Grounding / Earthing / Far Infrared Sauna
□ 10) The WORD & Prayer / Rest / Sleep
3 Additional Ways To Strengthen Your Immune System
□ 1) CD/MMS & DMSO
□ 2) Zeolites
□ 3) Beta-glucan
This project is a work in progress (Semper Reformanda) so please return regularly for more "Vitamin I" (i.e. information) & more "Heavenly Harmonies". Below is an example of these "Heavenly Harmonies" and a teaser by the "Prince of Preachers" on why the gospel is so important to both body and soul.
Last, but not least (after an example of a "Heavenly Harmony" and a teaser by the "Prince of Preachers"), there is a short but powerful video that will focus on the "3 Keys to Success and Freedom" for ALL of life. My hope is that you will see how these "3 Keys to Success and Freedom" are especially applicable to your health ... physically & spiritually.
□ Doxology - Anthem Lights (feat. Selah with lyrics)
□ Immortal Soul - Spurgeon (Sermon Jam)
□ Discipline = Freedom (by Jocko Willink, former Navy SEAL)
(Please Note: Not all of these 70+ medical professionals profess faith in the one and only true and living God. However, all of them do adhere to a wholistic, God-honoring worldview of health and healing. This is an informational site only and is not meant to treat, diagnose, or cure any disease or condition. Also, all of the information on this webpage was freely gleaned and is freely given. Therefore, it is NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE.
Because Rev. J.T. Campbell Jr. is the creator, writer, director and "chief cook & bottle washer" of this website, if you see anything amiss here it is my fault. So, if you find an error or anything that is not true please let me know and I will do my best to correct it. My desire is to promote truth for both your body and your soul.
My prayer is that after you read, and study well, the information on this website you will glorify God by taking action and do what you will soon know.
Semper Reformanda,
Missionary Jack
P.S. Please remember this website (and much more) has become a book! The title is: Health for All of Life: A Medical Manifesto of Health and Healing for the Nations by Rev. Dr. Jason Garwood. You can buy it on Amazon. And, on this webpage you will be introduced to over 70 life-changing medical professionals (which we call "Health Heros" or our "Faculty Members" of this virtual wholistic medical center). You will also find over 100 songs that will bless your soul AND your body. Please e-mail me ( and tell me who are your favorite doctors/medical professionals and what songs blessed you the most (and if you have time, tell me "why"). Thanks!